Exploring Alun-Alun Kidul Square and How To Get There

alun alun kidul, Exploring Alun-Alun Kidul Square and How To Get There

Exploring Alun-Alun Kidul Square and How To Get There


Alun-Alun Kidul Square in Kraton Sub-District, Yogyakarta Special Region – A recommended place for relaxation resides near to Kraton Palace in Yogyakarta Special Region.

The name is Alun-Alun Kidul Square or Alkid. The exact location is in Patehan Village and it belongs to Kraton Sub-District. The square never looks quiet regardless of the time due to the high number of visitors. In regular days, it becomes a great place for hanging out and relaxation instead.

The location is near to Malioboro Tourist Site, as well. No wonder, all tourists are likely to drop by before going home. Moreover, the size is vast and the nuance is amazing!

The Nuance

“Kidul” means south. It is because the square is located in the south part of Keraton Palace. That means tourists may find the north square as well in that area, which is called Alun-Alun Utara.

In terms of nuance, it varies depending on the time of the visit. In the morning, for instance, the air feels refreshing and many locals often visit the site for jogging and casual sports.

Many food vendors are seen at the time as well. Another great nuance occurs in the evening, as more food vendors operate in that area. Not to mention tourists can rent attractive flickering bikes or pedicap to get around the square with their families.

Exploring Alun-Alun Kidul Square

Lots of fun activities can be done in Alun-Alun Kidul Square. The most famous one is indeed Masangin. What is it? The rule is simple. Tourists should pass through a line between two big banyan trees located in the midst of the square blindfolded. It is said the ones who are able to walk through straightly would have good fortunes and lucks in the future. Not to mention all their wishes would be granted. Almost all people would fail, though!

The next recommended thing to do in Alun-Alun Kidul Square is to rent the flickering bike or pedicap. The rent fee is cheap for one lap, so everyone should try it. However, this activity should be done either with friends or families for a better experience. As an alternative, tourists can simply sit and eat delicious foods on the sidewalks. Numerous types of foods and drinks are available there especially grilled corns and toasts. The price is affordable, as well.

All those activities can be done at night, actually. What about at other times? In the morning, Alun-Alun Kidul Square is suitable for relaxation and casual sports instead. Some people use the field for playing soccer while others enjoy jogging on the sidewalks. Sometimes, fog covers that area too! What a great place to spend a vacation!

Nearby Attractions

  • Taman Sari
  • Alun-Alun Utara
  • Kraton Palace
  • Plengkung Gading

How to Get There

First things come first. Tourists should reach Yogyakarta City before heading to Alun-Alun Kidul Square. The most recommended transportation is by airplane, indeed. A flight from Jakarta City (Soekarno – Hatta International Airport) would take approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes! Later, after arriving at Adisucipto International Airport, tourists must take Raya Solo – Yogyakarta Street and head to Patehan Village at Kraton Sub-District. This trip would take about 30 minutes, as the distance is 11.4 km. Source: http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/yogyakarta/alun_alun_kidul.html

Where to Stay

  • Cozy Nest Hostel
  • Ndalem Ngabean
  • Stay Alkid Homestay
  • ?
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