Cheap One Day Tour in Yogyakarta For Group, Couple and Family

Cheap One Day Tour in Yogyakarta For Group, Couple and Family

Cheap One Day Tour in Yogyakarta For Group, Couple and Family


Cheap One Day Tour in Yogyakarta For Group, Couple and Family – The palace of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or called Kraton Yogyakarta is the javanese culture living museum. The palace is the main living area of Sultan of Yogyakarta and his family.

It became a cultural center for the Javanese people and include a museum that displays the sultan’s goods.

Yogyakarta kingdom was founded in 1755 after the Giyanti agreement. The palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta is also encapsulated by myths and mystique.

The spatial arrangement of the palace is based on the landscape of the old city of Yogyakarta, starting from the name used, architectural details and direction towards the building, each having philosophical value and mythology.

Yogyakarta Sultan palace has became one of the icons of Yogyakarta, where tourists can observe activities of the royal servants doing their job.

A collection of stuffs such as carriage, weapons, various kind of batik can be found around the palace. Sometime, you also can see the classic javanese art show inside of the palace.


  • Kraton / Sultan Palace
  • Tamansari Water Castle
  • Making Batik Class
  • Prambanan Sunset


  • 1 Person = IDR 930.000 / Person
  • 2 Person = IDR 705.000 / Person
  • 3 Person = IDR 620.000 / Person
  • 4 Person = IDR 590.000 / Person
  • 5 Person = IDR 570.000 / Person
  • 6 Person More: Please Contact Me


  • Transportation
  • Private Car
  • English Driver
  • Mineral Water
  • Entrance Fee Ticket
  • Making Batik Class
  • Donation


  • Pick up at the Hotel at 8.00am
  • Minimal 1 Person
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