Bank in Luxembourg City – Name, Address and Phone Number

bank in luxembourg city

Bank in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Bank in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg – Are you looking for information about name, address and phone number of a Bank in Luxembourg City? Now, you have come to the right web page. In this article, we write information about name, address and phone number of Bank in Luxembourg City.

Let’s take a look at the following list of Bank Names in Luxembourg City:

Bank NameAddressPhone Number
UniCredit Luxembourg S.A.8-10 Rue Jean Monnet, 2180 Luxembourg+352 22 08 42 1
EFG Bank (Luxembourg) SA56 Grand-Rue, 2013 Luxembourg+352 26 45 41
RCB Bank Ltd, Luxembourg Branch3 Rue Pierre d'Aspelt, 1142 Luxembourg+352 28 26 88 1
Banque de Luxembourg14 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg-
Alpha Bank Luxembourg24 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg+352 20 21 26 00
Central Bank of Luxembourg2 Bd Royal, 2983 Luxembourg-
Banque J. Safra Sarasin (Luxembourg) SA17-21 Bd Joseph II, 1840 Luxembourg+352 45 47 81 1
Union Bancaire Privée (Europe) SA287-289 Rte d'Arlon, 1150 Luxembourg+352 22 80 07 1
Bank Julius Baer Europe S.A.25 Rue Edward Steichen, 2540 Luxembourg+352 47 601
VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA2 Rue Edward Steichen, 2540 Luxembourg+352 40 47 70 1
Société Générale Bank & Trust18 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg+352 47 93 11 1
East-West United Bank SA21 Bd Joseph II, 1840 Luxembourg+352 25 31 53
DNB Luxembourg13 Rue Goethe, 1637 Luxembourg+352 45 49 45
UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch33A Av. John F. Kennedy, 2010 Luxembourg+352 45 12 11
Eurobank Private Bank Luxembourg SA534 Rue de Neudorf, 2220 Luxembourg+352 42 07 24 1
Fortuna Banque SC130-132 Bd de la Pétrusse, 2330 Luxembourg+352 48 88 88 1
Bank Of China (Luxemburg)55 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg+352 26 86 88 1
Bankinter Luxembourg SA37 Av. John F. Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg+352 20 21 01 001
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg28 Bd de Kockelscheuer, 1821 Luxembourg+352 46 14 11 1
Fideuram Bank (Luxembourg) SA9 Rue Goethe, 1637 Luxembourg+352 46 90 90 1
ING Luxembourg SA26 Pl. de la Gare, 1616 Luxembourg+352 44 991
The Bank of New York Mellon SA/NV Milan branch2-4 Rue Eugène Ruppert, 2453 Luxembourg+352 24 52 41
ICBC (Europe) S.A. & ICBC Luxembourg Branch32 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg+352 26 86 66 1
Danske Bank International SA13 Rue Edward Steichen, 2540 Luxembourg+352 46 12 75 1
Andbank Luxembourg S.A.4 Rue Jean Monnet, 2180 Luxembourg+352 27 49 76 1
Mitsubishi UFJ Global Custody SA287-289 Rte d'Arlon, 1150 Luxembourg+352 44 51 80 1
Delen Private Bank Luxembourg287 rte d'Arlon - ctre Descartes, 1150 Luxembourg287 rte d'Arlon - ctre Descartes, 1150 Luxembourg
Commerzbank AG25 Rue Edward Steichen, 2540 Luxembourg+352 47 79 11 1
Citibank Europe PLC (Luxembourg Branch)31 zone d'activités Bourmicht, 8070 Bertrange, Luxembourg+352 45 14 14 1
Credit Suisse5 Rue Jean Monnet, 2013 Luxembourg+352 43 61 61 1
Fideuram Bank (Luxembourg) SA17 A Rue des Bains, 1212 Luxembourg+352 46 90 90 1
Nordea Investment Funds S.A.562 Rue de Neudorf, 2220 Luxembourg+352 27 86 51 00
Barclays Investment Bank9 All. Scheffer 6th Floor, 2520 Luxembourg+352 26 63 51 00
Deutsche Bank Wealth Management2 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, 1115 Luxemburg, Luxembourg+352 42 12 21
SMBC Nikko Bank (Luxembourg) SA2 Rue Hildegard Von Bingen, 2557 Luxembourg+352 44 28 28 1
CCB (Europe) S.A & CCB Succursale de Luxembourg1 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg+352 28 66 88
RBS International Limited, Luxembourg Branch40 Av. John F. Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg+352 27 03 30 1
Swissquote Bank Europe2 Rue Edward Steichen, 2958 Luxembourg+352 26 03 20 03
Danske Bank International S.a.25 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg+352 47 30 78
Credit Service - Banques Luxembourg123 Rue de Hollerich, 1741 Luxembourg+352 27 36 23 1
European Investment Bank, IAK building2-6 Rue Albert Wehrer, 2719 Luxembourg+352 43 791
HSBC Banque privée (Luxembourg) Sa16 Bd d'Avranches, 1160 Luxembourg+352 47 93 31 1
Rakuten Europe Bank S.A.2 Rue du Fossé, 1536 Luxembourg+352 24 61 63 80
Öhman Bank S.A.16 Av. Pasteur, 2310 Luxembourg+352 26 73 73 1
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) Sa1 Rue Gabriel Lippmann, 5365 Schuttrange, Luxembourg+352 42 16 17 1
Clearstream Banking SA42 Av. John F. Kennedy, 1855 Luxembourg+352 2430
Agricultural Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A.65 Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1331 Luxembourg+352 27 95 59 90 0
G Finance Luxembourg SA34 A Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1330 Luxembourg+352 26 26 58 70
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ), Luxembourg Branch4 Rue Peternelchen, 2370 Hesperange, Luxembourg+352 26 231
J.P. Morgan Gestion d'actifs Luxembourg6 C Rte de Trèves, 2633 Niederanven, Luxembourg+352 46 26 85 1
Banque Transatlantique Luxembourg17 Côte d'Eich, 1450 Luxembourg+352 46 99 89 1
Nomura Bank (Luxembourg)Building A, H2O Building, 33 Rue de Gasperich, 5826 Hesperange, Luxembourg+352 46 38 88 8
NORD/LB Luxembourg SA Covered Bond Bank7 Rue Lou Hemmer, 1748 Niederanven, Luxembourg+352 45 22 11 1
International Bank of Azerbaijan, Luxembourg Representative124 Bd de la Pétrusse, 2330 Luxembourg+352 27 17 75 50
Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna (Europe) International SA30 Bd Royal, 2449 Luxembourg+352 22 24 30 1
Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C.A80 Rte d'Esch, 1470 Luxembourg+352 47 40 66 1

We hope this article will be useful for those of you who are looking for the name, address and telephone number of a Bank in Luxembourg City. If there are data writing errors, or you want to add other information, please write it in the comments column below.

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